About us

WWCP is one of seven strategic partnerships across Wales which oversee delivery of the Sustainable Social Services agenda and ensure that statutory requirements of the Social Services and Wellbeing (Wales) Act 2014 are met.

The WWCP has links with other collaborations in West Wales, such as:

The partnership is supported by a Regional Collaboration Unit, hosted by Carmarthenshire County Council.

Funding for the Partnership is provided primarily through a Regional Partnership Fund (RPF), to which partner agencies contribute, and Welsh Government’s Integrated Care Fund (ICF).

Programme Governance

The Regional Collaboration Unit provides strategic support for the Partnership and coordinates development and delivery of the regional programme. It is hosted by Carmarthenshire County Council and located at 3 Spilman Street, Carmarthen.

Regional Collaboration Unit staff and their contact details are provided below:

Kelvin Barlow, Regional Partnership Programme Manager kelvinbarlow@carmarthenshire.gov.uk

Kim Neyland, Regional Programme and Change Manager Co-ordination

Kevin Pett, Programme and Change Manager

Rebecca A. Jones, Regional Workforce Programme Manager reajones@carmarthenshire.gov.uk

Sarah J Bolton, Programme and Change Manager

Joff Lee, Service Transformation Lead – Ceredigion

Paul Davies, Head of Integrated Transformation: Pembrokeshire

Ann Alderman, Integrated Care Fund (ICF) Project Manager

Rebekah E Young, Performance and Evaluation Officer

Leanne McFarland, Regional Care Career Connector

Simon J Williams, Programme and Change Manager

Monica A Bason-Flaquer, Programme and Change Manager (Dementia)

Michael McClymont, Business Support and Finance Officer

Jessica A Rees, Administrative Officer
The West Wales Partnership Board has been established under Part 9 of the Social Services and Wellbeing (Wales) Act and is responsible for the development and delivery of the Regional Partnership Plan. The Statutory Guidance supporting Part 9 sets out its overall responsibilities, which are as follows: Overall responsibilities
  • Ensure partners work effectively to improve outcomes for people in their area.
  • Respond to the population needs assessment required under Section 14 of the Act
  • Implement the plans for each of the local authority areas
  • Ensure the partnership bodies provide sufficient resources the partnership
  • Promote the integration of services and establishment of pooled funds where appropriate.
Click here to see agendas and minutes of the Regional Partnership Board (RPB) meetings

What we do

As partners we share a commitment to ensuring health and social care services work well together for the benefit of those that need them and their carers. The Social Services and Wellbeing (Wales) Act 2014 places new requirements on all organizations that commission and provide care. The West Wales Care Partnership is working together to respond to those requirements, improving services and joining them up as far as possible so they deliver the best outcomes for our citizens.

Our Priorities

The Regional Partnership Board has identified a number of strategic priorities that it wants to take forward over the coming year to 18 months. Pace setter agencies have been identified within the partnership to lead on each area for the region.

Integrated commissioning
Information, Advice and Assistance-v2Working effectively together as partner organisations to develop a joined up approach to assessing need for care and support in the region, commissioning those services and working with service providers to ensure services are of the highest quality and available to all who need them.
Prevention and Information, Advice and Assistance
Integrated Assessment
  • Developing preventative services within our communities and adopting a consistent regional framework for prevention
  • Supporting the development of social and micro-enterprises as a key element of the prevention ‘market’
  • Embedding Information, Advice and Assistance services across the region which help people help themselves, ensure people are signposted to appropriate support in their communities and reduce the need for people to have ongoing care and support
  • Developing Dewis Cymru and Infoengine as ‘go to’ sites for citizens and professionals and linking these with the NHS 111 service
Service Integration and Pooled funds
  • Identifying opportunities for the further integration of services and establishing pooled budgets to help provide seamless services and make best use of available resources
Transforming learning disability and mental health services
  • Continuing a move away from intensive, institutionalized care and ensuring a range of community-based support is available to help people with a learning disability or mental health problem to remain independent and participate fully in society Pace setter: Hywel Dda University Health Board
Implementing the Welsh Community Care Information System (WCCIS)
  • Rolling out a single electronic system across social services and community services within the NHS, which will simplify interaction with the public and improve the sharing of information across agencies.
Engaging Citizens
  • Developing a regional strategy to attract people to care and support as a sound career choice and ensure staff are equipped to deliver modern, responsive and integrated services
  • Ensuring that available funding such as Social Care Wales Workforce Development Programme (SCWWDP) and Facilitation Grant supports a modernised workforce and achieves consistent standards and practice across the region
Integrating Services
  • Recognising the hugely significant contribution that carers make to the wellbeing of vulnerable people and in preventing the need for formal care and support, investing in the identification of carers and commissioning a range of support to facilitate carers’ wellbeing and resilience
  • Ensuring the needs of carers remain central in the wider redesign and modernisation of services
Welsh Language
Population Assessment
  • Working together to ensure the ‘active offer’ is available across West Wales, meaning that people can access care and support through the medium of Welsh if desired
  • Establishing a regional community of practice to share approaches and maximize impact