Work Programme and work streams
The Mid and West Wales region has an established tradition of collaborative working to improve and integrate health and social care. Initiatives such as the Mid and West Wales Procurement Hub and West Wales Adult Placement Service have been in place for a number of years and were conceived from a commitment by Directors of Social Services to work collaboratively to address shared challenges, maximise efficiency, achieve consistency and deliver better outcomes for users and carers.
Regional Implementation Plan (RIP)
The RIP outlines how the collaborative will deliver the specific duties contained within the Social Services and Wellbeing (Wales) Act 2014 and contains a range of programmes aimed at:- Remodelling services (e.g. Older people, Intermediate Care, Learning Disability, Mental Health)
- Delivering key duties within the Act
- Citizen engagement is being reviewed, with the aim of establishing a Citizens’ Panel to support implementation of the Act
- Regional aims reflected in Local Authority Plans and LHB Integrated Medium Term Plans (IMTPs)
Include a copy of the latest RIP
Programme Governance
Overall responsibilities
- Ensure partners work effectively to improve outcomes for people in their area.
- Respond to the population needs assessment
- Implement the plans for each of the local authority area
- Ensure the partnership bodies provide sufficient resources the partnership
- Promote the establishment of pooled funds where appropriate.
- Integrated Services Programme Board (Adults’ Services)
- Children’s Services Programme Board
- Commissioning Programme Board
- Workforce Programme Board
Accountability of decision making among the partner organisations remains with the Health Board and the Local Authorities and their partners.
- Intermediate Care
- Information, Advice and Assistance
- Integrated Assessment
- Preventative Services
- Remodelling Mental Health Services
- Remodelling Learning Disability Services
- Medication within the Community
- A Regional Collaboration for Health (ARCH)
- Mid Wales Healthcare Collaborative
- Mid and West Wales Adoption Service
- Integrated Family Support Services
- Review of Complex Needs, Transition and Vulnerable Persons
- Delivery of the Social Care Workforce Development Plan (SCWDP) for the region
- Oversee delivery of training on the SSWBA
- Delivery of the Social Care in Partnership (SCiP) business plan
- Remodelling Mental Health Services
- Remodelling Learning Disability Services
- Medication within the Community
- A Regional Collaboration for Health (ARCH)
- Mid Wales Healthcare Collaborative
- Mid and West Wales Adoption Service
- Integrated Family Support Services
- Review of Complex Needs, Transition and Vulnerable Persons